Christian communities, learning together
For more than 40 years, Marrara Christian College has partnered with parents to support students to ‘live in truth and grow in wisdom’.
We have a track record of delivering creative and innovative education, and are especially known for our Family Group Home program, trade training, and senior education pathway (delivered through NT Christian College).
We are committed to providing high-quality Christian education, training and care for all our students – from ELC to Year 12.

Our staff
Our teaching staff are committed Christian educators who are passionate about our students.
Christian education
We provide high-quality education from a Biblical perspective, helping students develop a well-formed Christian worldview.
Formational learning
We utilise an inquiry-based framework that allows students to explore God’s world using their heads, hearts and hands.
Academic rigour
We help students develop their academic and metacognitive abilities so they can grow and maximise their gifts.
Inclusive learning
We create an environment of inclusion and partner with families in supporting students to become successful learners.
Diverse community
We are blessed to have a culturally diverse school, reflective of the broader Darwin community.
Partnering with parents to provide Christian education in the Northern Territory.
The RiSe CoDe represents the Marrara way. As a College we seek to instil, cultivate, and encourage these values in our students from primary right through to Year 12.
RiSe CoDe incorporates the following:

Right choices
In response to God’s love, we choose to live with integrity and seek to be wise.

We help others and we live out Jesus’ call to love our neighbour.

We are respectful of people’s differences and seek to build each other up.

We grow in our knowledge of God and live out our lives of faith.