Dear Parents and Guardians
Welcome to Marrara Christian College. There is a real sense of excitement for the coming year as we continue to roll out a number of wonderful initiatives that were started recently. In particular, the Peacewise approach to teaching how to deal with conflict well is already helping our students to manage conflict in a way that upholds the dignity of the other person has resulted in a reduction in harmful interactions between children.
Our focus on Learnership is being rolled out and is based on the research that has come from world renowned education researcher John Hattie. Our staff have been working on this and we look forward to the changes that arise as a result of our efforts.
As we partner with you to nurture your children, it is done with the firm view that you are the primary care-givers/educators and our task is to support you in this most important task.
As a Christian school, we recognise that each person is God’s image bearer and that each one, student, parent, and staff member has inherent value that shapes our response to each person in our community and those who are not in our community.
Kind Regards
Bill Rusin