Secondary at Marrara
Our secondary school is comprised of Years 7-9 (middle years), with Years 10-12 (senior years), offered onsite through NT Christian College.
Middle years
The focus of our middle years program is deeper learning and deeper connection.
Deeper learning is an approach that seeks to assist students to go deeper in their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Rather than focusing on just learning more, staff use inquiry-based pedagogies and formational learning to help students dig deeper in their different subjects.
Deeper connection is about facilitating deep connections between peers, teachers, and families. The middle years are a time of very significant change and upheaval for students as they move through puberty and early adolescence. Deep connections help students navigate this period of their lives in healthy ways.
Middle years are also a time when each student is encouraged to develop an appreciation and development of their God-given gifts and a love of service for Christ, the Church and the community.
The middle years program is hands-on, adventurous, and academically challenging. Excursions, guest speakers, performances and camps enhance this learning experience. As students journey from Year 7 to Year 9, they adjust to various teachers and teaching styles, while developing as capable learners, ready for senior school.

Middle school curriculum
Our teaching practices and curriculum are developed in a way which ensures strong academic outcomes through age-appropriate educational strategies and practices. Teachers are innovative and collegial in their approach, and active in exploring new ways of teaching and learning.
Through a formational learning approach, our students focus on the wisdom of God as they learn about each subject. They have opportunities to respond to God’s call for them to participate in His big story for the real world around them. We want our students’ hearts to be shaped and moved by the knowledge they gain, knowing how to respond to this world.
We work to develop students’ appreciation and wonder toward mathematics. The content seeks to help students understand the different ways mathematics surrounds us in God’s world and the ways we can use mathematics to explore and understand the world around us. Students are challenged to stretch their mathematical thinking and computational skills.

History and social studies allow students to explore our world and develop their understanding about how we have gotten to this time and place. Students are challenged to consider the historical events and times that have impacted our current world and how often history can be a place of conflicting stories about reality. Students also learn about the good gifts of civics, economics and geography and how they can be used to serve our communities.
Science in middle years is a place of wonder and experimentation. Students are invited to explore the world God made – from the very large in creation (through the lens of astronomy) to the very small (through the lens of chemistry and biology). Students cultivate an understanding of the scientific method and how to think like a scientist as they conduct experiments and look to solve real world problems.

Pastoral care group
Pastoral care across secondary is the place where students explore the Bible and work through a range of personal development issues. Students are also taught a range of general learning and study-based skills that can serve them in their other subjects. Pastoral care in middle years is also a student’s home base, and their pastoral care group teacher is the point person for the student and parents around any issues of celebration or concern.
Students in middle years are exposed to a wide range of electives to provide them with a taste of many areas of life and to assist them in uncovering their strengths, gifts and abilities.

Online Learning – Canvas
As part of enabling our secondary students to be curious and courageous learners, our courses use an online learning managing system called Canvas. This serves as an online portal for course content, assignments, discussions, quizzes and other instructional materials.
Through Canvas, course material is provided for most core subjects and students can submit their assignments online. Using Canvas enables parents and guardians to support their students by having access to due dates, assignments and grades.
Senior years
Visit NT Christian College to learn more about the senior years program and explore the curriculum.